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現在、XHTML 1.0 (もどき)から、HTML5なコンテンツに修正中です。古い日記は修正が完了していませんので表示が崩れます。 順次、修正していく予定ですのでしばらくお待ちください。



Bug-org 1172205 Amazon preloads resources with <object> tags causing the throbber to blink heavily shortly after page load
初回投稿日時: 2015年06月19日19時45分34秒
カテゴリ: Firefox
SNS: (list)


Amazon, shortly after the page has loaded, calls createElement(OBJECT) a dozen of times to load resources. We handle that just like iframes and show the spinner. Amazon does that only in Firefox... in Chrome it just doesn't do that.

Amazon checks for |document.documentElement.style.MozAppearance| and if that exists uses <object> elements to preload .js, .css, .gif, etc. files. So they basically visually f up every page load to preload resources possibly needed for further navigation.

FTR, this isn't something we changed. I can reproduce this issue with Firefox back to 2012-01-01 builds. Amazon is preloading resources using <object> tags ~2.5s after the page has finished loading and that causes our throbber to go wild. They use different tags in Chrome and IE.



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