初回投稿日時: 2005年05月27日03時43分02秒
最終更新日時: 2005年05月27日03時44分49秒
カテゴリ: CSS
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word-spacingはCSS 2.1では、
This value indicates inter-word space in addition to the default space between words. Values may be negative, but there may be implementation-specific limits.
とだけ記述されていたのだが、CSS 3のテキストモジュールの草案では、
This value indicates inter-word space in addition to the default space between words. If there are no word-separating characters, or if the word-separating character have a zero advance width (such as the zero width space U+200B) the user agent should not create an additional character advance width between words. If there are several word-separating characters (for example, multiple non collapsed white space characters), the added <length> can only be applied once. Values may be negative, but there may be implementation-specific limits.
と、変更されている。Mozilla 1.9a サイクル中に修正したい。